We chose the name Duckbills because that's what GIs nicknamed tank track extensions in World War II. So, the free newsletter contains variants and ideas that extend Tractics.
As of mid-April, we are about to release the fourth issue of Duckbills, and you can find it at the free play aids webpage.
It features:
Zombie Tractics by Mike Reese
Clarifications on HE & HESH on Spaced Armor
A compilation of all Errata from all Duckbills
A spreadsheet made by Tom Trinko that compiles several DFM (Direct Fire Mode) operations into one item to look up. His example is for a 75L60 gun (with four types of ammo) versus a Pz.Kfw. IV H (as shown in the image below). Group members can download the spreadsheet from the Tractics Facebook Group (January 29, 2023). Sorry, we cannot host the Excel file here or on our free play aid webpage linked earlier.

If you want to know when the latest issue of Duckbills will be released, enter your email address at the bottom of this webpage where it says Don't be HORS DE COMBAT, French for Out of Action! Get on our list for the latest word.
Click here for Tractics' Duckbills and other free play aids.